This proven standard work gives an insight into the long technical development path of radio communication receivers for commercial radio services as well as the amateur radio service over the period from 1929 to 1983, i.e. from the age of electron tube technology up to the first assured phase of proof of semiconductor technology.
The authors have handled worldwide radio communications within the framework of amateur radio over three decades, have become acquainted with the often extreme requirements that communication receivers should be able to cope with, and have analysed more than 70 radio receivers or receiver parts of transceivers in the process.
A short history of radio communication receivers in functional diagrams at Amazon
A short history of radio communication receivers in functional diagrams as an Epub
For those who collect such devices or would like to learn how they work, the functional diagrams compiled here provide the best possible assistance. The extensive list of literature and sources opens up numerous avenues for more in-depth study or the procurement of documents.
The book had been out of print for years after 3 editions and is now available again as an e-book reprint, unrestricted by paper shortages – at Amazon as well as an Epub, at Google and Apple. It’s volume 10 of the GFGF publication series on radio history and contains – typical for Miller E-Books – over 150 pictures and graphics.